Expand description

Parser for php literals.

Allows parsing of php string, bool, number and array literals.


Parse into a generic representation

use php_literal_parser::{from_str, Value};

let map = from_str::<Value>(r#"["foo" => true, "nested" => ['foo' => false]]"#)?;

assert_eq!(map["foo"], true);
assert_eq!(map["nested"]["foo"], false);

Or parse into a specific struct using serde

use php_literal_parser::from_str;
use serde::Deserialize;

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
struct Target {
    foo: bool,
    bars: Vec<u8>

let target = from_str(r#"["foo" => true, "bars" => [1, 2, 3, 4,]]"#)?;

assert_eq!(Target {
    foo: true,
    bars: vec![1,2,3,4]
}, target);


  • A php array key, can be either an int or string
  • Any error that occurred while trying to parse the php literal
  • A php value, can be either a bool, int, float, string, an array or null
